Sunday, February 25, 2007

Sandburg and Shelley

Hullo, All.

Our poets for next week are Carl Sandburg and Percy Bysshe Shelley. I'm sure it'll be an interesting juxtaposition of subject matter. Skylarks and their Romantic ilk probably don't get to Chicago much. We also hope to have a short showdown of Shelley.

And our bookstore trip is coming up this Saturday, so be there!

In other news, our tentative camping trip dates are March 30-31 (Friday-Saturday). If something comes up and that time won't work, another option is April 13-14.

-- Joanna

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Emerson and Goethe

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen.

This week's poets are Emerson and Goethe. You can find some Goethe poetry with English and German side by side here. I imagine you can find your own Emerson without much trouble. ;)

Remember to bring money and pay Andrea for your t-shirts.

Also, we're scheduling the camping trip, so look at your schedule to see which weekend(s) after Spring Break might work for you so we can discuss it Thursday.

- Joanna

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Dylan Thomas and Walt Whitman

Hullo All,

We're reading Dylan Thomas and Walt Whitman this Thursday. We also plan to have a three way showdown of Thomas' "The Force that Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower."

Also, on Valentine's Day (Wednesday), we'll have the booth in the student center. So please come by. Also, we'd still like another person to help work the booth from 1 to 2.

- Joanna

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Beat Poets

(Beat above is not a verb. Please do not assault poets.)

Yes, so we're doing the Beat Poets tomorrow night. Here's another link to some Beat Poets and poems. I know almost nothing about this movement, so I hope to learn.

We're also finishing the love and anti-love CDs, so please bring poems again to read for those.

I apologize for neglecting this blog; in the future it should be updated at least once a week with the next meeting's poets and other pertinent news.

- Joanna