The Fall Literary Festival is this Thursday, so we shan't be meeting in the Honors House.
The Literary Festival is at 7:00 Thursday night in the Cone Chapel, and I hope you can be there. It will include readings from student and local authors, music, refreshments, and a (ridiculous and possibly pretty amazing) performance by your officers.
We Souvenirs kids may also be migrating to Midnight Oil after the Lit Fest, depending on our various levels of homework distress at the time.
We're doing Keats and Kipling this week. Emily Daw and are also planning a showdown for you of Keats' "Ode on a Grecian Urn." Hope to see you Thursday!
Also, this blog, which died alone and neglected some time ago (kind of like Keats) is going to be revived now (unlike Keats). Jess Briggs and Jess Roper, our intrepid PR officers, will have prettier stuff here as the semester continues. So you should subscribe to the RSS feed if you eat RSS.