Thursday, November 09, 2006

Laureates, etc.


Our night of Petrarch and Milton went well
. We read many characteristically uplifting Petrarchan sonnets, and we also laughed at Satan's face. Actually, we laughed at Milton's portrayal thereof, which is somewhat less audacious to do.

Next week's poets are Ted Kooser (who was the last U.S. Poet Laureate) and Robert Frost. You can find a few of Kooser's poems at his official website and also at

Also, for our mutual edification: The current U.S. Poet Laureate is Donald Hall. None of us knew this tonight, and we felt we should. So, there's our little step toward enlightenment for the day. (I was surprised to discover that Donald Hall is the author of children's book which was one of my favorites a very long time ago: The Ox-Cart Man.)

- Joanna


Anonymous said...

so, jo, i'm not convinced that anyone else reads this blog

Anonymous said...

Yeah, neither am I.

Anonymous said...

There are a few who peruse it, from time to time...