Saturday, November 04, 2006

Parties and Purgatorios

Thanks to all who came to the Halloween party and to the Purgatorio reading. Both were successes with costumes at the one and strange dragons sticking their tails into carts in the other. Thanks to those who brought snacks. I now consider the main events of our semester concluded. We'll still have a Christmas party (date is still pending. Suggestions) before the semester's out. Also, Andrea is working on a t-shirt design which should combine creativity with humor with the particular style that our club has aquired.
As Commander-in-Chief . . . I mean, President, of Souvenirs, I'm happy to announce that our relations with the administration and with other clubs are at an all time high. Unfortunately, attendance is at an all-time low. Bring your friends! After all, who doesn't like poetry? (Maybe that wasn't as rhetorical as I intended.)
A last bit of good news is that I beat Joanna to writing this blog. Expect a state-of-the-club address in January. I am Nathan Shank, and I approve this message.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that the correct plural of Purgatorio? And do we need more than one? ;)

I enjoyed both of those events greatly. Thanks, all, for being nifty poetry people. :)