Thursday, May 03, 2007

Officers, Summer

Hullo again,

We've chosen officers for the next year of Souvenirs.

-Nathan will continue as president.
-I'll be vice-president this year.
-Jessica Roper will take over as secretary/treasurer.
-Katie Cozzens and Emily Daw will share the public relations office, since Emily will be overseas the fall semester and Katie will graduate in December.
-Johnna is secretary to the vice-president, but we're thinking this isn't a real officer position anymore but that she should make tea anyway.
-Luke Jones, as a spiffy graphic design major, will also be helping us with advertising.
-Thanks to Dr. Claxton for continuing as sponsor and to Dr. Cameron for joining us as co-sponsor.

So yes.

Have a grand summer with plenty of poetry. :) Some showdowns to start off next semester would be amazing, so get with people and memorize stuff over the summer.

-- Joanna

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